Friday, July 22, 2022

Lawsuits against sanctuary cities, states, and DHS/ Is there one decent lawyer

 I live in a sanctuary city in a sanctuary state, Palm Springs, CA, and both are plagued with rampant homelessness (and all of the ills that come with it). Of course I wonder why they can find no sanctuary, and then I realize it is because millions upon millions are being spent on illegal immigrants. There must be one lawyer out there with the brains and the heart to go after the institutions that are putting forigners ahead of their own citizens.

As for the whiney ass liberals who are reading this, if ever you are in a plane that loses cabin pressure, please walk about the plane and make sure that all the other passengers have the oxygen masks on securely. Then go back to your seat and assist your family. If you have enough time you can put yours on. If not, go riddance.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Hey colin kapernick And All Of You Other Racist Pieces Of SHIT That Are Calling For Reparations

I have  relatives who fought the Nazis in WWII and lost their lives doing so (Do you know about it? Have you read a history book?). If it weren't for them and millions more white Americans the Nazis would have conquered the world. Do you think Hitler would have spared your race? Now who owes the debt?

Also, if you do pull out a history book, or even "Roots", look into how the African slave trade got started. 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Diversity is of the mind, not the skin color, gender, sexual orientation et al

Life here in Palm Springs is very hypocritical. Diversity is a great rallying cry, yet all of the city council is LGBTQ...ERTYUIOLJHGFG. You will not get clever, creative, unique, and pleasing ideas from such a narrow mind set. It is commonly called partisanship. I will politely call it bullship.

Aiming at the wrong targets

People are shooting, bombing, and running over crowds of innocent people to make a political or religious point. Why aren't they targeting political and religious leaders?

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

a suggestion for Gavin Newsom and Califonia's so called green people

I realize that banning plastic straws has made a great impact on the environment (yes sarcasm), what would make a bigger impact would be banning private vehicles that get less than twenty miles per gallon. No sarcasm at all. This state is full of Bentley's, Rolls, Range Rovers and other arrogant shit head vehicles. Get them off of the road. Or would that impact donations too much? Yes, lets just remain the state of hypocrisy and absurdity, you smarmy piece of fuck.